TREUDDK: Bjørn Nørgaard, Nasan Tur, Sakir Gökcebag, Nanna Abell, Galleri Susanne Ottesen, København
The word TREUDDK is an anagram of Turkey, Germany, Denmark and Europe. It is also a new word in itself, actually the first common European word to exist. Thereby it is an image of a new kind of community which this exhibition possibly is inventing, or in any case hinting at. TREUDDK also refers to the native countries of Nanna Abell, Sakir Gökcebag, Nasan Tur and Bjørn Nørgaard, which are here exhibiting together for the first time. The exhibition owes its existence to a cooperation between Bjørn Nørgaard, René Block and the gallery. It is a meeting point between Danish and Turkish art focusing on works situated between sensuality and social space.
Kilde: Galleri Susanne Ottesen